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There are 250,000 Freemasons belonging to 8,000 Lodges throughout England and Wales, and districts overseas.
Worldwide, the figure rises to six million Freemasons, all with their own special reasons why they enjoy Freemasonry. For some, it’s about making new friends and acquaintances. For others, it’s being able to help deserving causes – making a contribution to family and society. But for most, it is simply desire to belong to a fellowship of like minded people who believe with others they can make a difference, by helping individuals, groups and other charitable organizations.
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. For many, its biggest draw is the fact that members come from all walks of life and meet as equals whatever their race, religion or socio-economic position in society. Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness.
Freemasonry provides a unique environment for people from all backgrounds to learn skills, make lasting friendships, achieve their potential and, above all, have fun. What is more, the organisation provides a valuable forum for discussion between members in an open environment, helping to build trust.
Freemasonry prides itself on its transparency. Not only are Freemasons completely free to acknowledge their membership, they are encouraged to do so.
There are no closed doors in Freemasonry – anyone can visit its headquarters at Freemasons’ Hall in London – and Lodges throughout the UK regularly open their doors to visitors. For everyone, Lodges offer a place of harmony and tranquillity.
Freemasons make a major contribution to society through their own charities, as well as through donations to UK charities and worldwide disaster relief funds, with members playing an active role in their communities.
Freemasonry is more relevant and important to society today than ever, as it encompasses and embraces all the fundamental principles of good citizenship.
Many of these are learnt through traditional rituals that take the form of one-act plays, leading to increased self-esteem and confidence. Every Freemason embarks on his own journey of self-discovery when he enters the organisation. With three levels of Freemasonry, the progression through to senior roles within a Lodge can be seen in much the same way as a person progressing in his career – each promotion bringing greater understanding and responsibility.
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